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COVID-19 Safety Measures

Practice News

The safety of our patients and our employees is our absolute top priority. With regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking extra steps to ensure a safe environment while continuing to provide premium eye care. Here are some changes that we’ve made:

  • Each patient is screened via phone the day before their appointment to determine any potential exposure risk.  
  • Every staff member will be wearing a surgical mask.  All patients will be required to wear a face covering as well. If you don’t already have one, a mask will be provided. 
  • We are lightening our daily schedule to allow for only one patient to be in the clinic at any given time. 
  • Thorough cleaning and disinfecting protocols have been implemented in between each patient.
  • Patients are being asked to wait in their cars until their scheduled appointment time. Upon arrival, patients are requested to call our front desk at (414) 877-6414. Patients will be admitted to the building when our staff has completed the cleaning and disinfecting process.
  • Initial consultations are being done via Zoom, Facetime, or a phone call. These consults are typically times for us to gather a full medical history and discuss surgical options and goals. Telehealth will allow us to have personal time with each patient while limiting physical interaction. 
  • We are limiting clinic access to patients only. This means that family members and guests must wait outside unless there are mobility or other health issues. 

We will continue to follow guidelines set forth by the CDC and local government officials to provide the safest environment possible. Although these changes may not be ideal, the safety of our patients and employees is our paramount concern. As the current situation evolves, please continue to check our website for any changes.

The Doctors at Summit Eye Care of Wisconsin have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.
Summit Eye Care